Quick Guide to the Koa JS Framework

Jeff Cuartas
1 min readJun 7, 2021

I recently discovered Koa JS which is a minimal interface for developing apps and APIs. It is a modern framework from the creators of Express.

There are many benefits to using Koa JS. The framework is extremely light with a smaller footprint than any other Node.js. It also has thin middleware and the option to extend the framework with added modules.

The main focus of speed and creating a better user experience that is fast and can handle many API requests. Koa is build with ES6+ and modern JS syntax.

When it comes to handling requests and responses, Koa encapsulates the request and response into a single object called context, usually written as ctx. This single object helps developers build APIS more efficiently by using several helpful methods that are build into the context.

Since Koa JS is a minimalistic framework, it does not come with a built in router. Therefore, you’ll have to add a router module in order to create your routes.

Some common Koa add-on modules include:

  • koa-router
  • koa-ejs
  • koa-body-parser

If you want to learn more about Koa, feel free to check out the documentation here: https://koajs.com/.

